Overtake Me

This generation is one that wants to be rocked.

Rocked at our very core, rocked at the foundation.

Give me music so loud it drowns everything else out.

Crank the bass so I feel its power in my chest, let it wash over me.

Doing lines, take a hit,

I’m made to have dominion placed over me,

I want to loose control, I give you the power.

Once it starts I can’t make it stop,

I need to be owned, completely overtaken.

I want to be used, sought after, chased for my love, my beauty.

Mixing pleasure with pain, fear and love, these are but twisted shadows,

Candy-coated poisons,

Sick imitations of the real drug.

The real power.

The only true lover.

There is no love like the love of God, no power like His, coursing through your veins so terribly that in His presence you can’t stand. The weight of His majesty overpowering your body like a violent surf. His countenance is breathtaking, beautiful enough to give yourself to completely, to swear love and allegiance to. The elation is ecstasy, the fear- for your life, and what you used to love. But when addiction becomes strong enough, there is no fear that is stronger than the desire for that feeling, to be in the presence of something terribly beautiful. I desire to be rocked down to the very core of my being. He is like a thunderous earthquake that makes me choose what to hold onto. I desire to be overtaken. I want Him to have dominion over me, that’s where I belong, that’s the only high, the only intimacy, the only thing that’s real and that fulfills. All else is but dust, a lie, a corruption of a desire endowed to draw us back to the source. Don’t confuse the desire to be rocked with the lie that all things should rock us. There is only one who is power, only one who is beauty, only one who is terrible, only one who is love.

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